100% Organic Raw Ginger PowderCOUNTRY OF ORIGIN
Nature’s Superfoods Organic Raw Golden Ginger Powder comes from the Amazon rainforest of Peru. Peruvian golden ginger has been growing in popularity in countries such as the USA and in Europe due to its excellent flavor profile - bold, intense and delightfully spicy. Peruvian ginger is considered as premium quality ginger. Historically, ginger is revered as a healing gift in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic Indian systems. GINGER: The main active compounds in ginger responsible for its flavor, odor, and healing properties are gingerol and shagaol. Both are known to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions. These active compounds help to neutralize stomach acids, enhance the secretion of digestive juices, and tone the muscles of the digestive tract. Gingerols and shogaols also exhibit cancer-preventive activity in experimental carcinogenesis (tumor development). Ginger also contains a beneficial protein digestive enzyme namely zingibain, which is particularly effective in preventing gas and bloating.